机场助航灯光设备是保障夜间和复杂气象条件下飞行的重要设备。目前机场灯光设备光源主要采用白炽灯和卤钨灯,它具有使用寿命短、能量损耗大和结构不牢固等缺点。近年来,LED(light emitting diode)灯光技术飞速发展,LED灯光应用到机场灯光系统成为新的发展方向。
The lighting equipments for ranway in airdrome are important for flight security in night and complicate weather conditions. Currently the light source of the airdrome still adopts the incandescent lamp and the tungsten halogen lamp, it has weakness of short service life,waste in energy and rickety structure etc. In recent years, the LED light technique has been developped quickly and applied to the lighting system of aviation. It becomes the new development direction in this area.
Machine Building & Automation