
支持Portlet互操作的容器 被引量:3

Container supporting Portlet interoperability
摘要 为解决企业门户中Portlet组件的互操作需求,设计了一个基于订阅/发布技术的支持互操作的Port-let容器,为企业门户中基于Portlet应用的协同互操作提供了一种解决方案。在此容器中,基于订阅/发布模式的Portlet互操作通信模型,通过发布订阅机制来实现Portlet之间消息的通信。通过消息队形存储通信的消息,可实现不同应用范围之间、不同门户页面之间,以及本地和远程之间的Portlet互操作。此外,该容器还支持互操作Portlet的订制。 To deal with the Portlet component interoperation in the enterprise portal, the Portlet container framework was proposed based on the publish/subscribe paradigm, which provided solution to enterprise collaborative interoperation based on Portlet application. In this container framework, message communication among the Portlets was implemented by publish/subscribe in an interoperation model. And the message queue of the interoperation model provided Portlet message storage. So the Portlets could realize interoperations with each other through the interoperation model. Herein, the Portlets in the interoperation could be conducted within different application extents or different portal pages (either local or remote Porflet by Web Service for Remote Portlets (WSRP)) besides within the same application scope.
出处 《计算机集成制造系统》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期1241-1248,共8页 Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems
基金 国家863计划资助项目(2003AA115420)~~
关键词 PORTLET 互操作 订阅/发布 容器 门户 集成 Portlet interoperability subscribe/publish container portal integration
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