There are 147 families, 561 genera and 1 003 species (including subspecies) of wild medicinal seed plants in Cenwanglaoshan Natural Reserve, which acts an important component of the seed plant flora of the Reserve. Based on the analysis of the basic composition and geographical dements of the medicinal seed plant flora, there are some conclusions as follows: The dominant families are distinct and there are 15 families with more than 15 species, including 209 genera and 423 species. Although they account for only 10.20 % in total families, they account for 37.25 % and 42.17 % in total genera and total species, respectively. The genus composition is complex. The genera with 1- 5 species are 542 genera and account for 96.61% in total genera. The flora has wide relationship with the other regions in the word and the areal types of the flora are various. At the family level, the areal types can be divided into 11 kinds, in which the tropic one has 85 families accounting for 70.83 % in total families; the temperate one accounts for 28.33% of the total families with 34 families; the element of endemic to China has 1 family, accounting for 0.83 % in total families. The genera can be divided into 15 areal types, in which the tropic one with 362 genera accounting for 69.34 % in total genera; the temperate one have 153 genera, accounting for 29.31% in total genera; the China-endemic accounts 1.34% in total genera with 7 genera. The geographical dements of the flora and the seed plant flora of the Reserve are very similar, in which the tropic one is dominant.
Journal of Fujian Forestry Science and Technology