

Data hoarding algorithm based on vector-relation-table
摘要 移动计算机在断连接情况下的操作功能,是通过数据收集来完成的,它的目的是在断连之前,把用户在将来需要查看的数据下载存储。提出一种自动数据收集算法,此算法基于向量关系表,以此为依据来计算对象之间的关联程度,以寻求紧密关联的对象簇,再利用优先度算法,通过分析置信度和支持度的值来比较它们的优先度,从而得出系统需要收集的数据对象。实验表明,这种方法很好地提高了断连操作中数据访问的命中率,并且大大节省了缓存的开销。 Mobile computers can provide disconnected operation by data hoarding.The process of hoarding can be described as loading the data items needed in the future to the client cache prior to disconnection.In this paper,we describe an algorithm for automated hoarding.Our method is based on vector-relation-table,from which we compute the relation degrees between the items to find the object clustering which is closely related.Then we utilize priority algorithm to compare their priorities through analyzing confidence and support,from which we can get the data items which the system need hoard.The experiment shows that the proposed method is effective in improving the system performance in terms of the cache hit ratio of mobile clients and greatly economizing the cache overhead.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第15期176-179,共4页 Computer Engineering and Applications
关键词 移动计算 数据收集 向量关系表 断连操作 优先度 mobile computing data hoarding vector-relation-table disconnected operation priority
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