
带金属底冠定制比色板的制作及其颜色特征 被引量:1

The fabrication and chroma study of a kind of custom shade guide with metal substrate
摘要 目的:探讨带金属底冠定制比色板的制作方法对其颜色特征的影响。方法:以右侧上颌中切牙为模型,按照临床金属融附烤瓷全冠的制作要求,制作与VITAPAN比色板颜色相对应的16色带金属基底的定制比色板标本,采用PR-650型光谱扫描色度仪,对上不同瓷层后的比色片进行颜色测量。结果:上釉完成后的比色片与上遮色瓷时的比色片进行比较,发现L*值呈下降趋势,a*、b*值呈上升的趋势。从上遮色瓷到上体瓷的过程中,比色片的L*值明显下降,而a*、b*值明显增加;随着釉瓷和透明瓷厚度的增加,L*、a*和b*值均稍有减小;上釉可增加比色片的明亮度。结论:金瓷修复体中各瓷层对修复体颜色都会产生一定影响,并且其影响作用各不相同。 PURPOSE: This study was to explore the chroma of a custom shade guide with metal substrate. METHODS: A custom shade guide sample was fabricated using the central maxillary incisor as a model,which was corresponding to the colour of VITAPAN shade guide.The colour of each shade tab was measured with PR-650 spectrophotometer when every porcelain was added. RESULTS: From the opaque to glaze, the lightness was decreased and the chroma was increased distinctively; When the body porcelain were baked over their corresponding opaque, the lightness was decreased and the chroma was increased; When the enamel porcelain and the translucent porcelain were added on, the lightness and chroma were decreased slightly; the glaze could increase the lightness. CONCLUSION: The “add on” porcelain can affect the final color of the restoration, and the effects of each porcelain layer were different from each other.
出处 《上海口腔医学》 CAS CSCD 2007年第3期277-281,共5页 Shanghai Journal of Stomatology
关键词 定制比色板 色度值 透明度 Custom shade guide Color values Transparence
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