
特定环境下螺旋桨尾轴蠕变特性研究 被引量:1

Research on Creep Characteristic of Propeller Shaft in Special Condition
摘要 针对常温下长期受到恒载荷作用下的某舰螺旋桨尾轴进行了常温蠕变分析,并对变形后的螺旋桨尾轴进行了动力分析。选择合适的蠕变模型,采用有限元法,计算出20年后尾轴的挠曲线,并对无变形的螺旋桨尾轴和蠕变变形后的螺旋桨尾轴进行模态分析,进行比较。最后计算出变形后尾轴所产生的激励和响应。经过分析计算可知,蠕变已经使尾轴性能有了实质性的降低。 Based on the room temperature creep analysis on propeller shaft under constant load condition, a dynamic analysis on the propeller shaft with deformation of 20-year creep is carried out. By choosing a proper creep model of ANSYS, and using finite element method ( ANSYS program) , a deflection line of propeller shaft at the time of 20-years is obtained. A modal analysis of the propeller shaft is done, and a comparison of natural frequency between a no-bending shaft and a shaft after creep is also made. Finally, calculations of the force on shaft and shaft response are carried out. After these analysis and calculations, it is concluded that the room temperature creep depresses the capability of the propeller shaft.
作者 单豪琳 马骏
出处 《中国舰船研究》 2006年第5期50-53,60,共5页 Chinese Journal of Ship Research
关键词 螺旋桨轴 蠕变 模型 系数 固有频率 模型分析 propeller shaft creep model coefficient natural frequency model analysis
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