CT Guided stereitactic procedures make it easy to place radioactive material in tumors at exact and reproducible sites. A stereotactic program of interstitial iridium 192 radiotherapy in deep seated brain tumors has been applied in 142 cases since December 31, 1992. There were 106 males and 36 females ranging in age from 5 77 years (median 35.9 years). Primary and recurrent tumor sites included the frontal lobe (29), parietal lobe (26) temporal lobe (15), frontoparietal region (20), temporo parietal region (18), parieto occipital region (15), occipital lobe (5) frontotemporal region (13) and cerebellar (2). Stereotactic biopsy were astrocytoma in 80 cases, glioblastoma in 13, oligodendroglioms in 5, ependyma in 2, metastasis in 12, lymphoma in 2, meningicma in 4 pinealocytoma in 13, craniopharyngioma in 5, chordoma in 2, colloid cyst. in 1, engioneoplasm in 1 and medulloblastoma in 2. 120 Patients were up foolowed from 1 to 4 years, with a median of 2, 2 years. Our results showed that the median survival of this group of patients was 26 months which was significantly higher than the mediansurvival of 13 months for a group of similar patients treated whthout an Important boost.
Brain deep
Seated tumour
Stereotactic interstitial radiotherapy
( Original article on page 7)