[目的]了解麻疹流行病学特征,总结防治经验,完善预防控制措施。[方法]对连城县1972-2005年麻疹疫情资料进行流行病学分析。[结果]1972-2005年麻疹合计发病11 197例,年均发病率为115.31/10万;死亡44例,病死率为0.39%。其中1972-1985年平均发病率在100/10万以上,1986年以后,大幅度下降,1996年以后下降至1/10万以下。3-6月发病6 478例,占总病例数的57.85%;病例总数中,3-8个月婴儿占2.04%,9个月至5岁的占39.28%,6-12岁占55.25%,13-32岁占3.16%。以赖源、罗坊、塘前3个乡镇年均发病率为高,在300/10万以上。[结论]规范麻疹疫苗初种和复种,加强冷链管理,保证接种质量,消除免疫空白,是控制麻疹发病流行的主要措施。
[Objective]To understand the epidemiological characteristic of measles, summarize the prevention and controlling experience, improve the controlling measures. [Methods]Epidemiological analysis was carried out on the data of measles in Liancheng County from 1972 to 2005. [Results]There were 11 197 patients from 1972 to 2005, the annual average incidence was 115.31/100 000;44 patients Died. The case fatality rate was 0. 39%. The annual average incidence from 1972 to 1985 was over 100/100 000. It decreased after 1986,It dropped to below 1/100 000 after 1996. There were 6 478 patients from March to June accounting for 57.85% of the total . Among all the patients,2.04% of them were babies at the age of 3 to 8 month. 39.28% were babies at the age of 8 months to 5 years. The patients at the age of 6 to 12 years old accounted for 55.25% and patients from 13 to 32 years old accounted for 3.16%. The annual average incidence in Laiyuan,Luofang.Tangqian towns was higher, over 300/100 000. [Conclusion] Standardization of measles vaccination at the first time and second time. strengthening cold chain management, improving the quality of vaccination and ensuring the coverage were the main measures to control measles epidemic.
Preventive Medicine Tribune