目的对磁共振的螺旋桨技术就图像信噪比、对比度噪声比、伪影等图像质量要素进行相关性研究。方法选取10位健康志愿者,分别采用常规头部扫描序列FSE T2W和Propeller FSE T2W进行轴位扫描。对两种序列扫描得到的图像进行分析,并各选取同一层面,相同的位置的一幅图像进行信噪比、对比度噪声比的测量,并进行统计学处理分析。结果10例志愿者的Pro-peller FSE图像质量优于常规FSE,灰、白质的信噪比、对比度噪声比均有较大幅度的提高。常规的FSE图像中,眼球的转动造成明显的运动伪影,脑积液的搏动伪影也非常明显;而在Propeller FSE T2W序列扫描结果中,这两种运动伪影都被消除了。头动时常规的FSE图像非常模糊,有明显的运动伪影,没有任何诊断意义。Propeller FSE T2W序列扫描图像上基本没有运动伪影,图像质量略有下降,但明显好于常规FSE图像,有诊断价值。结论Propeller FSE和常规FSE相比,具有更高的信噪比和对比度噪声比,图像质量明显提高,并能有效地克服运动伪影。
Objective Study on the relationship of Propeller technology and image quality such as signal- to-noise ratio (SNR), contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) and artifact . Methods 10 normal subjects were scanned using propeller FSE T2W and routine FSE T2W pulse sequences respectively. Quantitative comparison for SNR and CNR is performed. Results SNR and CNR of propeller FSE were, respectively, 20% -38% and 21% -35% higher than that of routine FSE. There were obvious motion artifacts caused by the motions of eyeballs, pulsates of cerebrospinal fluid in the images of routine FSE, while there were little artifacts in the images of propeller FSE. Conclusion Comparing with those of routine FSE, propeller FSE can provide superior images quality with higher SNR and CNR, and less motion artifacts.
Information of Medical Equipment