
语义Web环境下的信息检索机制研究 被引量:4

Study on information retrieval mechanism based on semantic web
摘要 人们借助搜索引擎在网络资源中查找所需信息,但搜索引擎本身并不理解要检索内容的真正含义,只是严格的按照关键词进行匹配。语义Web的目标是实现网络资源的机器理解,成为近年来一个新的研究热点。将Agent思想应用到语义Web中,提出了语义Web环境下的信息检索模型,介绍了模型中每个组成部分的功能。然后以图书信息检索为应用背景,将提出的信息检索模型进行了应用。结果表明,信息检索的查准率和查全率都有了较好的改善。 Search engine is often employed to retrieve information needed. Regretfully, search engine only strictly does the match work according to the keywords, because it does not comprehend the real meaning of the information. Semantic web technology, due to its efforts to make the web resource understood by computers, is becoming a new research hotspot in recent years. With agent technology, an information retrieval model is put forward and specific functions of each component are explained. To further attest its feasibility, the information retrieval model is adopted in books information retrieval. The results show that the model improve the efficiency of information retrieval.
作者 王志晓 牛强
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第12期2842-2844,共3页 Computer Engineering and Design
基金 中国矿业大学青年科研基金项目(004490)
关键词 语义网 资源描述框架 本体 智能代理 信息检索 semantic web RDF ontology agent information retrieval
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