长江中下游地区丰富的江河滩地和水网沼泽地是重要的土地资源,也是血吸虫(Schistosoma japonicum)病的主要发生区域。营造人工林有利于控制血吸虫的中间寄主钉螺(Oncomelania hupensis)的孳生,也有利于提高土地的生态效益和经济效益。耐湿树种的选择是滩地和沼泽地造林的重要环节。通过对江苏省里下河沼泽地主要造林树种I-69杨(Populus deltoides)的生长状况进行调查可知,在高水位(年平均地下水位-29cm,每年淹水1~2个月)、中水位(年平均地下水位-59cm,每年淹水0~10d)、低水位(年平均地下水位-87cm,常年不淹水)立地上,10a生的I-69杨平均树高分别为16.4m、19.8m、22.9m;平均胸径分别为12.8cm、18.2cm、21.2cm;平均蓄积量分别为67.9m3/hm2、193.1m3/hm2、313.6m3/hm2;地上部分生物量分别为51.8t/hm2、130.0t/hm2、201.4t/hm2;总生物量分别为67.1t/hm2、161.7t/hm2、241.2t/hm2。因此,I-69杨虽然具有较强的耐水能力,在地下水位较高的情况下,其生长也会受到明显抑制,这一结果将为今后湿地造林中的立地选择和树种选择提供参考。
The river beaches and the swamplands are the important land resources and the important distribution areas of japonicum in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River. It has been an urgent problem how to control the japonicum and to increase the benefit of the land for a long time. Afforestation is an available method for the oncomelania control and the japonicum prevention. The relationships between the growth of poplar I - 69 (Populus deltoides) and the sites watertable were analyzed in Lixiahe wetland, Jiangsu province, China. Based on the investigation of the watertables, the study sites were divided into 3 groups: high, middle and low. The depth of the mean watertables for one year in high, middle and low sites was -29 cm, -59 cm and -87 cm, respectively. The mean height of the poplar in 10 year - old was 16.4 m, 19.8m and 22.9 m, respectively. The mean diameter at breast height ( 1.3 m) was 12.8 era, 18.2 cm and 21.2 cm, respectively. The stem volume was 67.9 m3/hm^2, 193.1 m3/hm^2 and 313.6 m3/hm^2, respectively, and the above - ground biomass was 51.8 t/hm^2, 130.0 t/hm^2, and 201.4 t/hm^2, respectively. It was suggested that the growth of poplar I - 69 decreased obviously with the increase of site watertable. However, the poplar such as I - 69 is a still chief tree species for afforestation in the river beaches and the swamplands in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River.
Wetland Science