
罗马字官话圣经译本的拼写系统:《新约全书》和《约翰福音书》拼写比较 被引量:1

The Orthography Systems in Romanized Chinese Bibles: Spelling Comparison of the New Testament(新约全书) and the Gospel of John(约翰福音全书)
摘要 《新约全书》和《约翰福音书》反映的是不同的拼写形式,前者所采用的是内地会系统,而后者采用的则是威妥玛系统。两书的声母、韵母和声调在拼写上有差异,说明它们源自于不同的拼写系统,如《新约全书》只有一套舌尖前声母ts、ts‘、s;而《约翰福音书》多出一套舌尖前声母tz、tz‘、ss。-h在内地会系统是入声标记;在威妥玛系统却是音值标记。内地会系统有5个调位;而威妥玛系统只有4个调位,入声派入其余四声。 The orthographies of the New Testament(新约全书) and the Gospel of John(约翰福音全书) in the New Testament have shown different writing systems with the former adopting the China Inland Mission system(内地会系统) and the latter adopting the Wade system(威妥玛系统). Both bibles are different in consonants, vowels and tones. The differences are explained by the different systems used by the orthographies as mentioned earlier, e.g. the New Testament(新约全书) only has one set of dental consonants ts, ts' and s, however the Gospel of John(约翰福音全书) has one more set of dental consonants, which is tz, tz' and ss. The entering tone in the China Inland Mission system(内地会系统) is marked with -h, however in the Wade system(威妥玛系统) the roman letter-h represented a sound value. There are five tones in the China Inland Mission system(内地会系统), but only four tones in the Wade system(威妥玛系统), the entering tone is distributed among the other tone classes.
作者 黄灵燕
机构地区 北京大学中文系
出处 《语言研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第2期35-41,共7页 Studies in Language and Linguistics
关键词 内地会系统 威妥玛系统 罗马字 音值的标记 调位的标记 口语音 读书音 the China Inland Mission system(内地会系统) the Wade system(威妥玛系统) Roman letters a marker of sound value a marker of tone classes colloquial pronunciation literary pronunciation
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  • 1叶宝奎.明清官话音系[M].第二版.厦门:厦门大学出版社,2002.
  • 2F. W. Bailer. A Mandarin Primer[M]. xiii. Shanghai: China Inland Mission and Presbyterian Mission Press, 1919.
  • 3R. H. Mathews, Mathews' Chinese English Dictionary[M]. x, xii. Revised American Edition. Eighteenth Printing, Harvard University Press. 1996.
  • 4Thomas Francis Wade, A Progressive Course Colloquial Chinese[M]. London: Trtibner & Co., 60. Patermoster Row, 1867.
  • 5Pekinese Colloquial, American Bible Society, Yueh-Han Fu Yin Shu[M]. Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1895.
  • 6大英圣书会,官话新约全书[M].伦敦:英国圣书公会印,1888.
  • 7F. W. Bailer, An Analytical Chinese Dictionary[M]. Shanghai: China Inland Mission and American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1900.
  • 8《马迪斯的汉英字典》最早版本是1931年,上海中华内地会出版.


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