
结果补语对德语结果句式和汉语动补结果句式的影响 被引量:1

The Influence of the Result-Complement on the German Resultconstruction and the Chinese Verb-Complement-Resultconstruction
摘要 德语结果句式和汉语动补结果句式是在运动域动词语义基础上延伸的一种特殊结构,其论元结构与运动域动词句式和KPV句式的论元结构相似;其题元结构主要受结果补语的影响:结果补语的引入可以使非及物动词及物化,使及物动词改变其对原有题元宾语的语义选择,这种现象是θ-理论在语义上外延的结果。两种句式在诸多方面的雷同揭示了人类感知和认知客观世界的基本规律相同,所以在构建同类句法结构时的组织信息原则也相同。此外,结果补语的词汇化影响德汉复合动词的论元和题元结构,丰富了构词学的内容。 The German Resultconstruction and the Chinese Verb-Complement-Resultconstruction are a particular construction which has been extended on the basis of the semantic of motion verbs. Their argument structure is similar to the argument structure of motion verbs and of KPV-Construction; Their theta-structure is influenced mainly throw the result-complement. The introduction of the result-complement makes intransitive verbs to transitive and causes transitive verbs to change their choice of theta-objects. And it is a result of semantic extension of the theta-theory. The similarities of the both constructions reveal that people fundamentally share the same law of in their perception and cognition of the world in constructing of the language progress and thus share the same principle in organizing information while constructing similar syntactic structures. The tendency of Result-Complement to lexeme influence the argument and theta-structure of verb-composita and rich wordbilding.
作者 常玲玲
出处 《语言研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第2期65-73,共9页 Studies in Language and Linguistics
基金 教育部人文社会科学项目"在认知语言学框架下的德汉句法现象对比研究"(06JA740027)
关键词 结果句式 “把”字句式 论元 题元结构 准结构题元宾语 resultconstruction Ba(把)-construction argument theta-role dummy-theta object
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