
鼻部皮肤肿瘤切除后的创面修复 被引量:15

摘要 目的介绍鼻部皮肤肿瘤切除后创面的即刻修复经验。方法1996年4月~2006年4月,在遵循鼻亚单位组成的美学原则基础上,根据创面大小、形状、部位及周围皮肤情况,选择相应局部皮瓣修复鼻部肿瘤切除后致鼻缺损428例。其中男273例,女155例;年龄12~78岁,中位年龄52岁。基底细胞癌146例,鳞状细胞癌83例,表皮囊肿54例,色素痣145例;恶性肿瘤临床分期0~期,病程1周~3个月。鼻尖51例,鼻翼102例,鼻背138例,鼻侧壁137例;其中跨鼻亚单位缺损83例。肿瘤切除后致鼻缺损0.6cm×0.6cm~3.0cm×4.0cm。皮瓣来源于额鼻皮瓣58例,双叶皮瓣67例,改良菱形皮瓣152例,鼻唇沟皮瓣118例,额正中皮瓣33例。供区创面直接拉拢缝合。结果患者创面期愈合423例;3例皮瓣远端部分表皮坏死,经局部换药后创面愈合;2例患者切口轻度感染,经局部换药处理后创面期愈合。供区均未形成继发性缺损,创面期愈合。术后385例获随访1~60个月。鼻外形轮廓较好,修复组织色泽、质地与周围皮肤匹配良好,恶性肿瘤无复发。结论遵循鼻亚单位美学原则,应用局部皮瓣能修复鼻部肿瘤切除后中等以上创面,且色泽、质地、轮廓等均能达到较好匹配和协调,可获得满意功能和稳定的美学效果。 Objective To introduce the experience and comprehension to reconstruct nasal defect after tumor excision. Methods From April 1996 to April 2006, based on the aesthetic subunit principle and according to the size, shape, location of nasal defect and the conditions of surrounding skin, homologous local flap was selected to cover the nasal defect in 428 cases which nasal tumors were removed. Among 428 cases, there were 273 men and 155 women, with a median age of 52 years (12-78 years); including 146 cases of basal cell carcinoma, 83 cases of squamous cell carcinoma, 54 cases of epidermal cyst, and 145 cases of pigmented naevus. The clinical stage of malignant tumor was 0- I stage, the course of disease was 1 week to 3 months. The locations were nasal tip in 51 cases, nasal ala in 102 cases, dorsum of nose in 138 cases, and nasal side in 137 eases, across 2 nasal subunits in 83 cases. The area of the defect ranged between 0.6 cm × 0.6 cm and 3.0 cm ×4.0 cm. The origin of flaps was frontonasal flap in 58 cases, bilobed flap in 67 cases, reforming rhomboid flap in 152 cases, nasolabial flap in 118 cses, forehead falp in 33 cases. The secondary defect of donor site was directly sutured. Results Among 428 cases, 423 cases acquired complete recovery; 3 cases which had epiderm necrosis over the far end of the flap achieved healing by the first intention and 2 cases which had suffered low-grade infection of incision achieved healing by the second intention after regional change dressings. The nasal defect was successfully repaired in all patients, and the all flaps survived. A total of 385 patients were available for follow-up of 1 to 60 months, no tumor recurrence occurred, and the repaired tissue were good match with surrounding tissue, good nasal contour was obtained, the cosmetic results were satisfactory. Conclusion Based on the nasal aesthetic subunit principle, the local flap can reconstruct the nasal above medial defect, and a good color, contour and texture match with the surrounding skin can be obtained, the cosmetic results are satisfactory.
出处 《中国修复重建外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第7期714-717,共4页 Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery
关键词 鼻皮肤肿瘤 继发创面 局部皮瓣 修复 Nasal cutaneous tumor Secondary defect Local flap Repair
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