Seishonagon quoted "Like a spray of pear blossoms in spring rain impearled" from "Song of Everlasting Sorrow" by Bai Juyi to praise the incomparable beauty of the pear blossoms when she described it in the 35th paragraph in her novel Makuranososhi. During the course of her invention, the idea popped into her mind that consciously or unconsciously she compared the beautiful empress Fujiwarateishi to Yang Kwei-fei in Bai Juyi' s poem. Empress Fujiwarateishi was forced to leave the palace, living lonely and sadly because of the accidental decline of Nakanokanpaku family. For the sake of Soishonagon' s respect and admiration for Fujiwarateishi, she didn' t depict her and her family' s adversity directly in the novel, while she wrote "Woody Flowers" in a sad mood unconsciously and presented the cruel realities indirectly by quoting Bai Juyi' s verses.
Song of Everlasting Sorrow Yang Kwei-fei Empress Fujiwarateishi pear blossoms loneliness