Traditionally there are 2 opposite views on the relationship between language and culture. Culture determinism believes that language is the expression and embodiment of culture, so a culture determines how people think and speak in that culture. Language determinism believes that language controls thinking, and the culture of a speech community is the collective thinking pattern and thinking habit of all its members. The 2 views are both incomplete and the reason lies in the fact that both of the 2 views look at language and culture as 2 isolated entities. From the cognitive perspective, both language and culture can be seen as the external expressions of the human cognitive ability. The nature of human cognition determines the nature of language and culture and their relationship. Language and culture do not determine each other. The combination of a particular language and a particular culture is historical and arbitrary. The human cognitive power is boundless and boundless human cognitive power give human language infinite creativity. Human language can travel across the boundaries of different cultures to understand and simulate other cultures. This perspective to the relationship of language and culture provides the most solid theoretical basis for translatability between different languages.
Journal of Dezhou University
linguistic relativity
culture determinism
the creativity of language
cognitive ability
language of thought/mental