基于城市研究领域已广泛应用的引力模型,以我国甘陕川交界区域陇南市为例,进行区域对外交通发展趋势分析.首先采用断裂点(Breaking Point)模式计算出了陇南市到周边10座同级相邻城市的断裂点位置,然后把断裂点连接起来,确定了陇南市中心城市武都区的吸引范围.之后根据城市吸引范围与市域所辖行政范围不重叠区域的面积大小以及形状走势,明确指出了陇南市对外交通的7大出口方向;并以此着重对陇南市作为三省交界区域的对外交通空间发展趋势进行了分析和预测,同时做了相应区域对外交通规划的建设构想.
Based on gravitation model that has been used widely for urban studies for a long time, and as a case study of Longnan City which is the border area of Gansu Province and lies on Shanxi and Sichuan Province, an analysis on developmental tendency of regional intercity transportation is carried out. Firstly, according to the breaking point model, the author worked out every breaking point sites that from Longnan City to 10 adjacent cities,then linked to each breaking point sites in turn and made an attractive range of Wudu District,the center of Longnan. As a result of area size and form of non-superposed region between attractive and administrative range, 7 important exits of Longnan City's intercity transportation are deduced. Moreover, the spatial developmental tendency of regional intercity transportation of Longnan City, the border area of three provinces is analysed and forecasted. At the same time, the construction plan for intercity transportation of Longnan City is conceived.
Journal of Lanzhou Jiaotong University
gravitation model
intercity transportation
border area
Longnan City