

Effects of dietary true digestible phosphorus concentration on growth performance and serum hormone levels of growing pigs
摘要 对60头平均体重为21.4kg的健康三元杂交生长猪(杜×长×大)的生产性能和血清激素水平进行研究,以确定生长猪日粮真可消化磷(TDP)的最佳添加水平。以TDP为指标,配制5种TDP含量不同的试验日粮(0.16%、0.20%、0.23%、0.26%和0.39%),并使日粮总钙与TDP的比例为2∶1。采用单因子随机分组设计,将60头生长猪随机分为5个处理,每个处理3个重复,每个重复4头猪。结果表明:(1)根据生长猪平均日增重和日粮TDP含量的关系,可以得出一个生长猪平均日增重随日粮TDP含量变化的多元方程。根据该方程,可以推导出当日粮TDP含量达到0.34%时,生长猪的平均日增重达到最大,为782g/d。(2)根据结果可以拟出一个耗料增重比随日粮TDP含量变化的多元方程。根据该方程知,当日粮TDP为0.34%时,耗料增重比最低,为1.07∶1。(3)根据结果推导出当日粮TDP含量在0.34%左右时,血清生长激素、骨钙素和胰岛素这三种激素水平达到最低点。(4)根据试验结果推导出当日粮TDP含量为0.34%时,血清甲状旁腺素水平达到最高点。由此,本试验得出生长猪日粮TDP的最佳添加水平为0.34%。 60 healthy crossed growing pigs with initial body weight 21.4 kg were selected to study the effects of true digestible phosphorus (TDP) on growth performance and serum hormone levels of growing pigs in order to confirm the most appropriate supplemental level of dietary TDP. Single factorial randomized-block design was used. 60 healthy crossed growing pigs (Duroc× Landrace× Yorkshire) were assigned randomly to 5 dietary treatment groups, 4 pigs per replication with 3 replications per treatment group. TDP was used as basis to design dietary in which TDP concentrations of five experimental dietary were 0.16%, 0.20%, 0.23%, 0.26% and 0.39%, and the ratio of total calcium to TDP was 2 " 1. The results indicated that (1) A equation was educed according to average daily gain (ADG) of growing pigs and dietary TDP concentration. ADG of growing pigs achieved biggest value (782 g/d) when dietary TDP concentration was 0.34% according to the equation. But there was no significant difference between groups (2) Another equation was gained according to the Feed/Gain (F/G) of growing pigs and dietary TDP concentration. The F/G of growing pigs was least (1.07) when dietary TDP concentration was 0.34% according to the equation. The different between groups were not significantly (3) It can be educed that the levels of serum growth hormone (GH), bone gla prolein (BGP) and insulin (INS) were lowest when dietary TDP concentration was about 0.34% according to the results (4) It can also be educed that the levels of serum parathyroid (PTH) were highest when dietary TDP concentration was about 0.34% according to the results. So the most appropriate supplemental level of dietary TDP is 0.34%.
出处 《广西农业生物科学》 CSCD 2007年第2期144-149,共6页 Journal of Guangxi Agricultural and Biological Science
基金 国家973项目(2004CB117502) 国家自然科学基金项目(30671517 30528006) 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目(Kscx2-Yw-N-022) 中国科学院海外杰出学者基金(2005-1-4)
关键词 生长猪 真可消化磷 生产性能 血清激素 growing pigs true digestible phosphorus growth performance serum hormone
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