

Geometry Video Compression of 3D Mesh Animation
摘要 介绍了一种新颖的数据压缩方法,通过对各关键帧网格规则重采样,三维网格动画可采用类视频压缩方法进行压缩,同时提出了一个全新的保形自适应采样算法,并利用该算法对原始的几何视频压缩方法进行了改进,在采样误差不变的前提下,改进方法的采样率可以更低,从而可具有更高的压缩比。完整实现了上述方法并利用实例对其进行了验证,实验结果表明此方法是切实可行的。 This paper introduces a new compression method by remeshing the key frame models regularly, and 3D mesh animation can be compressed as video compression way. At the same time,a novel adaptive shape-preservde resampling algorithm is presented to improve the compression method. The improved compression method needs less sampling ratio and was higher compression ratio without increasing resampling error. Finally, the proposed algorithm have been implemented and application of examples show that the method is feasible.
出处 《南京邮电大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI 2007年第3期54-58,共5页 Journal of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications:Natural Science Edition
关键词 几何压缩 视频压缩 自适应采样 geometry compression video compression adaptive sampling
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