对人工感染鸡传染性法氏囊病(IBD)和鸡新城疫(ND)的海赛鸡采用瘟囊克注射液胸肌注射,按高(0.4 ml/只)、中(0.2 ml/只)、低(0.1 ml/只)三个剂量组进行治疗,用病毒克(药物对照)组,感染不用药(阳性对照)组,不感染不用药(空白对照)组作为对照.结果3种剂量的"瘟囊克注射液"对鸡传染性法氏囊病和鸡新城疫感染治疗效果明显,高、中剂量组治愈率与病毒克对照治疗组比较无统计学意义,疗效相当.增重率"瘟囊克注射液"高、中剂量组与药物对照组相当;相对增重率用药组极显著高于阳性对照组(P<0.01).试验表明瘟囊克注射液可以作为鸡传染性法氏囊病和鸡新城疫感染的有效治疗药物,推荐剂量为胸肌注射中雏0.2 ml/只.
All the chicken with ND and IBD were injected with WNK injection by three inoculation dosages (0.4ml, 0. 2ml, 0. 1ml every chick), and three control groups were intercalated. The results showed that WNK injection had significant curative effect with three inoculation dosages. And the increase rate of body weight of the groups of high and middle inoculation dosage had no statistical significance with the medical comparison group, and the increase rate of body weight of the group with WNK injection was significantly higher than that of positive control group. The conclusion is that the WNK injection showed availability to ND and IBD, and the best inoculation dosage was 0.2ml with every chick injected by M. pectoralis.
Journal of Hebei North University:Natural Science Edition