
产业集群内知识转移的小世界网络模型分析 被引量:29

Analysis on Knowledge Transfer Based on Small-world Network Model in the Industrial Cluster
摘要 产业集群内各成员之间通过知识转移这一社会行为建立了复杂的连接关系,研究表明,这些连接纵横交错形成集群的知识转移网络,呈现出典型的小世界特征。用小世界网络模型分析产业集群,并运用特征路径长度和集团化系数来表征集群成员间知识转移频率和集聚程度,旨在为促进产业集群发展提供一种新的分析思路。 Members connect with each other by the social behavior of knowledge transfer in the industrial cluster, and these crossword relationships come into being the knowledge transfer network of cluster, researches indicate, this network show itself the typical character of Small-world network. Consequently, analyzing the industrial cluster by Small- world network model, and using the critical path length and clustering coefficient to describe the frequency of knowledge transfer and cluster degree, in order to supply a new thinking for accelerating the development of industrial cluster.
作者 冯锋 王凯
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第7期88-91,共4页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
关键词 产业集群 知识转移 小世界网络 特征路径长度 集团化系数 industrial cluster knowledge transfer Small-world network critical path length clustering coefficient
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