
细胞注射显微系统的空间精确定位方法 被引量:2

Space Precision Orientation Method for Cell Micro-Injection System
摘要 利用改进的激光三角测量法获得图像采集时丢失的高度信息,其相对误差小于0.4%,将该信息集成到伺服控制方程中就可以利用视觉信息来控制机械手在空间做三维运动.在图像空间控制机械手运动时,利用光学流方法获得每个采样周期后注射针在图像空间的位置,就可以消除系统存在的误差,使注射针沿预定的轨迹运动,完成细胞的注射.实验结果表明,利用该方法可以将轨迹误差从(11,10)像素,减小为(0,2)像素,从而方便地控制机械手在三维空间做精确定位和运动. The laser trigonometry measurement method is improved to obtain the data of height of probe with a relative error less than 0.4%, which are integrated in the servoing equation to control micro-manipulator movement in three dimensional space. When micro-manipulator moves in image space, the modified sum of squared difference method is employed to track probe, thus the error of micro-manipulator movement is eliminated and probe moves along the expected track to realize the cell micro-injection. The experimental results show that this method enables to minish error from (11,10) pixels to (0,2) pixels to accurately control the micro-manipulator movement in three dimensional space .
出处 《西安交通大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第7期829-832,共4页 Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50675184)
关键词 细胞注射 光学流 激光三角测量 伺服控制 cell micro-injection sum of squared difference laser trigonometry measure vision servoing control
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