
论我国涉外证券欺诈民事案件诉讼管辖权——借鉴美国法的经验 被引量:2

Chinese Extraterritorial Jurisdicion Over Transnatonal Securities Fraud Cases——Based on Study of the United States Securities Law
摘要 随着证券市场的日趋国际化,涉外证券案件在我国法院受理的案件中的比例也日益增加,尤以证券欺诈案件为多;但是,我国法院有资格受理哪些涉外证券欺诈案件将成为我国立法和司法运行中不得不面对的问题,而我国这方面的法律规定又相对落后,难以满足司法实践方面的需求。本文在分析美国法律的相关规定和我国的立法缺陷的基础之上,提出要将美国法中的部分制度引入我国,以完善我国涉外证券欺诈民事案件管辖权的立法方面的不足。 As securities markets have become increasingly globalized nowadays, the proportion of transnational securities cases, especially securities fraud cases China' s courts accepted is also growing in accordance. Thus, it is time for Chinese legislative and judicial authorities to define the scope of jurisdiction over transnational securities fraud cases. Since our legislation in this area is comparatively undeveloped and hard to satisfy the demand of judicial practices,in this article, the author suggests to introduce U. S. practices based on deep study of the United States securities laws in order to ameliorate our legislation.
作者 王绍凯
出处 《西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第4期126-129,共4页 Journal of Northwest A&F University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 涉外证券欺诈案件 诉讼管辖权 效果准则 行为准则 混合准则 transnational securities fraud cases extraterritorial jurisdiction effects test conduct test lombined test
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