1 TYPICAL CASE1.1 General data Ms. Sun, 20 years old, sophomore of a university in Beijing; date of visiting: December 5^th, 2006; visiting hospital: Acupuncture Section of Department of Physical Therapy, General Hospital of Air Force of P. L. A.
Ganshu , Taichong , Yanglingquan , Ligou 被选择, Taichong 是脚 Jueyin 的肝顶点的元(来源)点, Ligou 是肝顶点的 luo (担保)点, Yanglingquan 是脚 Jueyin 的脚 Shaoyang.The 肝顶点的胆囊顶点的融合点,脚 Shaoyang 的胆囊顶点是 interior-exteriorrelated 。与上述 acupoints,肝和胆囊的 sihenia 火能被减少;更低的 energizer 的潮湿和热能被减少。