

Influence of Time upon Oxide Film on the Surface of the Zirconium-Hydride by the Method of CO2 Reaction
摘要 采用24h、48h、120h的CO2气固反应法,在氢化锆表面生成的氧化膜层,通过SEM和XPS表面分析,氧化膜层表面都致密,但氧化层成分和性能不同。反应时间越长,反应产物就越趋于稳定。XPS刻蚀深度分析表明,磷仅在膜层表层出现而没有渗透到膜层内部,随反应时间增加,同一刻蚀深度上的碳、氧成分增多,氧化膜厚度加深。化学分析表明,实验所得的膜层在室温下具有良好的抗腐蚀性能。 Oxide films are generated using Gas-solid Reactions of CO2 within 24 hours,48 hours and 120 hours.The surface analysis by SEM and XPS indicates that all the films are compact but they have different compositions and properties, and the longer of the reaction-time,the steadier of productions.The XPS deep-scan results indicate that phosphor appears on the surface only,and does not penetrate into the interior of oxide films;however,the compositions of carbon and oxygen in the same depth are increased with the increase in reaction time,at the same time the oxide films deepens as well.The chemical analysis shows that the sample oxide films have good capability to resist corrosion.
作者 王俐艳 赵平
出处 《西华大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2007年第2期88-90,共3页 Journal of Xihua University:Natural Science Edition
基金 总装备部预研基金项目(编号:51481260105SC0301)
关键词 阻氢渗透层 CO2气固反应法 氧化膜 hydrogen permeation barrier gas-solid reaction of CO2 oxide film
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