
高性能永磁铁氧体的工艺技术 被引量:4

Study on Processing Technology for High Grade Permanent Ferrite Material
摘要 采用国内常规锶永磁铁氧体预烧料,通过添加多元复合添加剂进行配方调整,优化二次球磨、成型、烧结等制备工艺技术,改善料浆的粒度分布,提高产品的取向度,稳定生产出Br≥395 mT,HCJ≥4500 Oe的高性能永磁铁氧体,达到日本TDK公司FB6H水平,国际先进。 The preparation processing technology such as second time ball milling process,the pressing process and sintering process was optimized through increasing multiple compound chemical additives by using the domestic conventional strontium permanent ferrites pre-material.The new process can improve the grain-size distribution of the material thick liquid,and enhance the product orientation.As a result,the high performance permanent ferrites is stably produced with Br>=395 mT,HCJ>=4500 Oe and achieves the specification level of FB6H specified by Japanese TDK Corporation.
作者 陈华容
出处 《西华大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2007年第4期29-31,共3页 Journal of Xihua University:Natural Science Edition
关键词 多元复合添加 粒度分布 取向度 高性能(FB6H) multiple compound chemical additives grain-size distribution orientation high performance(FB6H)
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