

Study on the Compounding and Performance of New Type Banding Mortar
摘要 针对传统粘结砂浆施工和易性差、粘结强度低,用于粘贴外墙饰面砖易剥落等问题,本文采用在砂浆中掺入一定量聚合物的方法以提高砂浆的粘结力。研究结果表明:新型粘结砂浆具有比传统粘结砂浆更优良的性能,其和易性改善,粘结强度提高。 In order to overcome the disadvantages of traditional binding mortar,a new type of binding mortar was developed by adding polymer into mortar to improve the bonding strength in this study.The result shows that this new type binding mortar has better performance and its workability and bonding strength is obviously improved.
出处 《西华大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2007年第4期72-74,共3页 Journal of Xihua University:Natural Science Edition
关键词 聚合物 粘结砂浆 配合比 polymer binding mortar compounding ratio
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