目的 探讨未婚未产女性吉妮环取出困难的原因、处理方法及预防措施。方法 术前阴道放置米索前列醇0.4mg,术中运用异丙酚无痛取环。采用回顾性分析其取器困难的原因,以探讨预防措施。结果 16例均顺利取出,宫口未见节育环尾丝。术中出血量少于10ml。术后无并发症。结论 未婚未产女性应尽量避免采用节育环避孕,且尾丝不宜过短。积极治疗妇科炎症是预防节育环取出困难得重要措施。
Objective To investigate the correlative factors of surgical difficulties during GyneFixIN removal in unmarried andnulliparous women treatment and prevention measures. Methods To analyse retrospectively the correlative factors surgical difficulties during GyneFixIN Painless removal with propofol, placing Misoprostol 0.4mg in Vagina before the Operation (preoperation). Results All operations of 16 cases were successful and IUD tails were not founded. Amount of bleeding was less than 10ml. All these cases had gynaecology inflammation to some extent. No complication was found. Conclusion Unmarried and nulliparous women should avoid to contracept with IUD and the tails weren't remained too short. It's a important measure to treat gynaecology inflammation actively.