

Infrared temperature mapping of the interactions among high power lasers, blood vessels and tissues
摘要 目的:通过一系列活体和体外实验来考察激光诱导间质热疗过程中血管及器官受高功率激光作用时的温度场发展规律。方法:实验性家兔1只,麻醉状态下应用波长为10.6mm的KD-Ⅲ型CO2激光器(北京科电微波电子有限公司生产)在不同功率激光照射其耳部不同部位,观察血管稀疏区与丰富区在激光照射下的反应。隔2d,将其麻醉处死,取出胃、肝、肺、肾、心等不同器官,进行激光照射。实验中引入红外成像仪来定量刻画被测对象表面的瞬态温度分布图像。结果:①当激光热量不足以完全切断血管时,血管丰富组织区的复温能力强于血管稀疏区;当激光准确作用于主血管并且达到一定能量时,不仅下游供血及加热可被切断,且上游供血也会受到影响。②在相同的激光频率、功率及作用时间下,胃部的穿透最深,肾部温度变化率最大。结论:①组织局部的血液灌注率会影响激光作用的效果。②不同器官由于热容量不同,且对激光的反射和吸收率存在差异,导致激光穿透厚度及组织温度变化的幅度不同。 AIM: This study simulated the temperature profiles of vessels and organs subjected to high power heating during a laser-induced interstitial thermotherapy (LITT) through a series of in vivo and in vitro experiments. METHODS: One rabbit under anesthesia was irradiated on different positions of ear by CO2 laser applicator (produced by Beijing Kedian Microwave Electronics Co.,Ltd) with wavelength of 10.6 mm. The thermal reaction of the irradiated rabbit, in the regions with few or rich blood vessels, was observed. Two days later, the rabbit was anesthetized to death, and its stomach, liver, lung, kidney and heart were taken out for irradiation respectively. The infrared thermometer was adopted to map the instantaneous temperature image of the testing object. RESULTS:①When the laser heating was not powerful enough to completely cut off the blood vessel, temperature recovered more quickly in the region with rich blood vessels, compared with that in the region with fewer blood vessels. When focusing the laser heating to the main blood vessel, not only blood supply of the downstream and the heating could be cut off, but blood supply of the upstream would be affected.②Under the same laser beam frequency, heating power and duration time, stomach was the most to be ablated and the largest temperature gradient occurred in kidney. CONCLUSION:①Local blood perfusion influences the laser effect. ②Due to varied thermal capacity, absorption and reflectance to laser heating, various organs will have different laser penetration depths and temperature changes.
出处 《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第26期5109-5112,共4页 Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50325622)~~
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