

How to Use the Three Nature Standards of Patent to Guide Creation and Invention——Enhancing China's Core Competence of Independent Intellectual Property Rights by Grasping the Essence of Comprehensiveness and Practicability(Ⅰ)
摘要 自主创新和创造发明,需要来自自主知识产权方面的指导和保护。《中华人民共和国专利法》明确规定,授予专利权的发明和实用新型,应当具备新颖性、创造性和实用性。新颖性、创造性、实用性是有机整体。创新实践达到发明创造的标准,要求必须具备新颖性。新技术研发可弥补技术断链和交叉不同层次的领域,对现有事物的改造、技术提升、更新工艺、降低成本和优化质量等也是创新。新颖性自在不断继续的知难而进的探索之中。创造性标准是创造发明的实质标准。要在成败之间寻求创造机遇和机会,还应该把"进步性"包括在创造性之中,从而充分挖掘创造性要求的内涵。实用性是指发明创造在社会大生产意义上的实用。不能把实用性和工作判断的"可使用性",以及工程中的"适用性"混为一谈。实用性的意义在于标定了专利三性是有机的整体,为再创新奠定基础。实用性应利于经济发展,利于和谐社会建设。 Creation, invention and independent innovation need direction and protection of independent intellectual property rights. It is stipulated clearly in Patent Law of the People's Republic of China that an invention and a new practical model should be characterized by originality, creativeness and practicality, which should be viewed as a whole. An innovative practice that reaches the standard of creativeness or invention should be original. New technology can bridge the technology chain rupture, making many subjects inter-crossed. New technology is also very important to change the present things, to improve present technologies, to reduce production cost, to renovate crafts and to better production qualities. Originality advances in the course of continual and difficult exploration. Creativeness is the essence of creation and invention. Grasping opportunities and chances in both successes and failures requires us to endow "originality" with "progress" so that we can have a full under- standing of creativeness. By practicality the author means the actual employment of creation and innovation in social produc- tion. However, it cannot be confused with usefulness in daily life and adaptation in engineering field. The significance of prac- ticality lies in the fact that it views the three nature standards of patent as a whole, thus laying foundation for innovation. Practicality should conduce to economic development and to the construction of a harmonious society.
作者 李冰
出处 《南京工程学院学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第1期1-6,共6页 Journal of Nanjing Institute of Technology:Social Science Edition
关键词 知识产权 自主创新 创造发明 核心竞争力 新颖性 创造性 实用性 intellectual property rights independent innovation creation and invention core competence originality creativeness practicality
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