
带有阴影消除的室内运动人体的提取与跟踪 被引量:3

Extraction and Track of Indoor Moving Human with Shadow Elimination
摘要 描述了一种带有阴影消除的对室内运动人体进行提取与跟踪的方法。该方法使用自适应背景减除法初步得到人体区域,在此基础上利用色度的不变性来消除阴影区域的影响,可以对提取出的比较精确的运动人体进行跟踪。 This paper describes a method of extraction and track of indoor moving human with shadow elimination. It obtains primary human region by using an adaptive background subtraction method. Because of the invariability of chroma, it can eliminate the bad effect which is caused by shadow area, it can obtain accurate moving human image. It tracks the moving human that one obtains just now.
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期170-172,共3页 Computer Engineering
关键词 自适应背景减除 阴影消除 运动人体跟踪 Adaptive background subtraction Shadow elimination Moving human track
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