合同管理系统的设计采用了ASP.NET,ADO.NET和UML等技术开发,在Windows2003操作系统和SQL Server2000数据库系统的支持下运行。首先说明了开发合同管理系统的目的,分析并说明了系统的需求,然后应用面向对象模型技术UML对系统的各个子模块、系统流程、组件、类库、数据库和编码等部分进行了分析和设计。该合同管理系统能够实现数据的输入、删除、修改、查询和统计等基本功能,适用于中小型企业的合同管理。
The contract management system is developed using ASP. NET, ADO. NET and UML technology and runs in support of the Windows2003 operating system and the system the SQL Server2000 data base system. This paper has defined, first of all, the purpose of developing the contract management system, analyzed and explained the requirements of contract management system and configuration, then applied the objectoriented modeling technique UML designed respectively the functional module, system process, component, class library and data base of the system, and also the code concerned. This system can fulfill the basic requirements for data recording, removing, modification, querying and statistics. It is applicable to the contract management of the middle and small enterprises.
Information Technology