
被遗忘的领域:身体与自我的关系 被引量:4

The Neglected Region: Relationship between Human Body and Human Self-image
摘要 身体不仅是物理实体,而且处于社会和历史之中,承载着一定的社会关系。现代以来,被视为他人或自然的工具的身体,逐渐成为自我控制和改造的对象。教育领域中,学生的身体处于被自我或他人压制、控制和忽略的地位。身体具有三个层面,即物质层面、美学层面和哲学层面,是自我价值感、力量感、美感、道德感的重要来源。对身体健康发展的束缚,必然以牺牲精神的发展为代价。学校教育必须寻求自我和身体的和谐发展,将身体的"物质—美学—哲学"三个层面结合起来,促进个人寻求合适的生活方式。 Human body is not physical but social and historical . In modern times, human body was once considered as tools of others or the nature, however it has come to have its own will and dominated by the self-image. In Chinese elementary schools, students' bodies are neglected, controlled or suppressed by themselves and their supervisors. It argues in this article that human body can be conceived as three dimensional, that is physical, aesthetical, and philosophical, which are the resource of self-confidence, power and morality. Thereby educators in elementary schools have to attempt to combine the three dimensions to improve the harmonious development of students.
作者 程红艳
出处 《湖南师范大学教育科学学报》 2007年第4期37-41,共5页 Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University
基金 中国博士后科学基金项目[20060400947]
关键词 身体 自我 和谐发展 human body self-image harmonious development
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