

Joint robust design of beamforming for downlink of MIMO systems
摘要 针对MIMO下行链路中的发射/接收波束成行器,提出了一种对非精确CSI稳健的联合设计方案。方案采用的设计准则是在总发射功率受限的条件下最小化系统和MSE。根据此非凸和非线性优化问题的最优解条件,通过交替地计算每个用户的最优解来近似地获得原问题最优解。仿真结果表明,与非稳健性方法相比,该方案能有效地减少非精确CSI引起的性能损失。 This paper proposes a joint transmitting and receiving beamformer approach under the condition of imperfect channel state information (CSI) for the downlink of multi - user MIMO systems. This approach makes use of the assumption of the total transmitting power constraint, the objective of the design is to minimize the system- level sum- MSE. According to this non - convex and non - linear optimization problem's optimum solution condition,it approximately obtains the original issue' s optimum solution by computing each user's optimum solution iteratively. The simulation results indicate that this method can reduce system performance loss which induced by imperfect CSI effectively, compared to non- robust approaches.
出处 《信息技术》 2007年第5期35-38,共4页 Information Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60572156)
关键词 MIMO 多用户 MMSE 稳健性 下行链路 波束形成 MIMO multi-user MMSE robust downlink beamformer
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