
NGI中一种基于食物链算法的柔性QoS组播路由算法 被引量:2

A Food Chain Algorithm Based Flexible QoS Multicast Routing Scheme in NGI
摘要 针对下一代互联网(Next Generation Internet,NGI)难以精确测量和用户服务质量(Quality of Service,QoS)需求难以完全表达的特点,设计了一种基于食物链算法(Food Chain Algorithm,FCA)的柔性QoS组播路由算法。给出了QoS组播路由问题模型及其数学描述,针对NGI中QoS参数信息不精确和用户需求柔性的特点,通过博弈分析确定用户和网络方在边上的效用能否达到Nash均衡,基于模糊数学的相关知识并结合FCA的寻优能力,找出在给定条件下用户效用、网络方效用和满足用户QoS需求的可信度同时达到最大的组播路由树。对算法进行了仿真实现与性能评价,结果表明,它是可行和有效的。 Taking difficulty on the exact measurement of NGI (Next Generation Internet)status and the complete expression of the user QoS (Quality of Service)requirement into account, a flexible QoS multicast routing scheme based on FCA (Food Chain Algorithm)is presented. In this paper, the corresponding model and its mathematical description are introduced. Under the inaccurate network status information and the flexible user QoS requirement, whether Nash equilibrium between the user utility and the network provider utility can be achieved on the candidate edge is determined by gaming analysis. Combing knowledge of fuzzy mathematics and optimum searching ability of FCA, the proposed algorithm tries to find the multicast tree with the user utility, the network provider utility and the confidence degree on meeting with the user QoS requirement maximized. Simulation results have shown that the proposed algorithm is both feasible and effective.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期30-33,57,共5页 Computer Science
基金 新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助项目 国家发改委CNGI示范工程资助项目(CNGI-04-13-2T CNGI-04-6-2T和CNGI-04-15-7A) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60473089)。
关键词 NGI 柔性服务质量 组播路由 食物链算法 博弈论 NASH均衡 NGI (Next Generation Internet),Flexible QoS(Quality of Service),Multicast routing,FCA(Food Chain algorithm) ,Game theory, Nash equilibrium
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