
Ad Hoc网络中基于多条件的最优路径选择

Multi-Constrained Optimal Path Selection in Ad Hoc Network
摘要 在无线移动Ad Hoc网络(mobile Ad Hoc network,简称MANET)中,提供端到端QoS保证的关键问题之一是确定一条可行的、满足一组QoS(如带宽、延迟抖动和丢失率)约束的路径。一般说来,寻找一条满足多个附加约束条件路径的问题,是NP完全问题,这导致了许多启发式算法的提出。本文提出了一种在Ad hoc网络中基于启发式多条件约束的最优路径选择算法MCOPS(Multi-Constrained Optimal Path Selection),此算法首先裁减掉那些从源节点到目的节点不可行的路径,然后,在每条可行路径上使用K+1次Reverse-Dijkstra算法,随后,在图上随机地移动,发现那些到达最终目的结点的机会较大的结点。MCOPS算法由于是利用局部状态信息分布地计算,使其可方便地进行扩展到其他QoS约束的路由问题。仿真实验结果表明,该算法能够以较小的代价开销获得较高的路由成功率。 One of the key issues in providing end-to-end Quality-of-Service(QoS)guarantees in mobile Ad Hoe network is how to determine a feasible route that satisfies a set of QoS requirements(such as bandwith, delay, delay-jitter, and loss) of a connection request. In general, finding a path subject to multiple constraints such as delay and dela-jitter is a NP-complete problem. Multiple constrained QoS routing optimization is an important problem in the curren Ad Hoe communication network research. in this paper,we propose heuristic MCOPS (Multi-Constrained Optimal Path Selection) for this problem, the algorithm first prunes all the links that cannot be on any feasible path from resource to destination, it then uses a randomized search to find a feasible path, in order to achieve efficient utilization of network resources, the algorithm tries to select a path with minimum-de- lay among all feasible paths. Simulation results show that MCZ)PS algorithm performs much better than the Jaffe routing algorithm under the circumstances of mobile Ad Hoe networks.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第7期28-30,46,共4页 Computer Science
基金 江苏省高校自然科学研究计划资助项目(编号:03KJD520191)
关键词 多约束 启发式 自适应 移动AD HOC网络 OoS路由 Multiple constraints, Heuristic, Adaptive, Mobile Ad Hoe networks, QoS routing
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