目的:了解鼻窦良性病变的患病率,分布及其影响因素。方法:回顾性研究463例(年龄5~86岁)行^(18)氟-氟代脱氧葡萄糖正电子计算机体层摄影(^(18)F-FDG PET/CT)人员鼻窦良性病变的发病情况,其中肿瘤293例,非肿瘤170例。结果:肿瘤组56例患鼻窦良性病变,非肿瘤组41例患鼻窦良性病变。鼻窦良性病变患病率未受到罹患肿瘤(P=0.236)以及性别(P= 0.077)与年龄(P=0.331)影响;肿瘤累及鼻咽或鼻腔与否有极显著差异(P<0.01)。结论:鼻窦良性疾病患病率高(约21.0%),病变累及鼻咽或鼻腔的肿瘤是鼻窦良性疾病的高危因子。
Objective: To provide a wealth information on the prevalence, distribution and risk factors of benign paranasal sinuses diseases (BPSD). Methods:Retrospect in BPSD's study of 463 objects who, 5-86 years old, underwent 2-deoxy-2-[^18F] fluoro-D-glucose (^18 F-FDG) positron emission tomography/X-ray computed tomography (PET/CT) scan, among them 293 were suffered from tumor, 170 non-tumor patients as a control group. To observe all of their paranasal sinuses by multiplanar reconstructions (MPR) and ^18 F-FDG PET eyeballing, while mucosal thickening, blur, polyps, fluid levels, soft tissue mass, or calcified mass, and no activity uptake in these lesions simultaneously, which can be diagnosed as BPSD. The data was analyzed by crosstabs model. Results: 56 persons who were attacked with tumor had BPSD, and 41 persons in control group had BPSD. The incidence of BPSD was independent of tumor (P = 0. 236), sex (P = 0.077), and age (P = 0. 331 ), but the tumor involved nasal cavity or nasopharynx may be the causal factor of BPSD (P〈0.01 ,OR= 4. 56). Conclusion:The incidence of BPSD was high (21.0%). Tumor, sex, and age was not the causal factor of BPSD, but the tumor involved nasal cavity or nasopharynx.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine
Benign paranasal sinus diseases
Positron emission tomography