
《闽中十子诗》版本述要 被引量:1

A Brief Review of the Different Editions of Poetry by Ten Fujian Poets
摘要 袁表、马荧选编的《闽中十子诗》,收入了明初洪武永乐年间林鸿、高棅、陈亮、王恭、唐泰、郑定、王偁、王褒、周玄、黄玄等十人的诗歌,作为闽中诗派的先驱,十子创作的菁华梗概和“一时之风气”,借是编得以幸存。万历四年徐中行首刻以《闽中十子诗集》命名,欲览其全的汇集意图,其实仅是彰显其“风调尔雅”之一格;《四库全书》本《闽中十子诗》,虽云“此编采撷菁华”,但馆阁的删改走样,加上传本久尠,已现残缺之貌;光绪十二年郭柏苍刊本《闽中十才子诗》,虽以重刻命名,然郭氏以古稀之年更正舛伪之功、吉光片羽之叹,令人感佩。 Poetry by Ten Fujian Poets compiled by Yuan Biao and Ma Ying in the 16th century, was a collection of poems composed by ten poets from Fujian during the reigns of Emperor Hongwu and Emperor Yongle at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty. These ten poets were the forerunners of the Fujian school of poetry : Lin Hong, Gao Bing, Chen Liang, Wang Gong, Tang Tai, Zheng Ding, Wang Cheng, Wang Bat, Zhou Xuan and Huang Xuan. With this collection, the style and excellence of the art of Fujian poetry survived. In the 4th year of Emperor Wanli's reign, Ming Dynasty, Xu Zhongxing produced for the first time, the edition of these poems, which was entitled A Collection of Poems by Ten Fujian Poets, but this collection offered only a glimpse of the elegant style of these poems rather than a whole picture. Poetry by Ten Fujian Poets collected in the Complete Collection in Four Treasuries were very much expurgated although its compilers claimed to have retained the essence of the poems. What is more, this edition is incomplete owing to the repeated revision in the history. In the 12th year of Emperor Guangxu's reign, Qing Dynasty, Gut Baicang produced his edition of these poems which was entitled Poetry by Ten Genius Poets from Fujian. What is most striking about this edition is that Gut Baieang, at a very senior age, endeavored to restore the original beauty of these poems and retain this rare treasure in Chinese literary history.
作者 苗健青
出处 《闽江学院学报》 2007年第3期21-25,共5页 Journal of Minjiang University
关键词 《闽中十子诗》 闽中诗派 《四库全书》 郭柏苍 Poetry by Ten Fujian Poets the school of Fujian poetry the Complete Collection in Four Treasuries Gut Baieang
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