

The 2D-3D Reconstruction Algorithm and Software Which Can Extend Matching Objects and Composed Method
摘要 以模型匹配为基础的三维重建算法的重建效率较高,但重建范围受到预定义模型种类和组合方式的限制。提出了一个可扩充预定义模型种类和组合方式的二维-三维重建算法和相应的软件,并详述该重建算法和相应的软件如何解决由垂直拉伸模型、绕垂直视图平面轴整周旋扫模型和简单棱锥体模型通过并和差所构成组合模型的三维重建,以后只要在可扩充预定义模型部分加入其它模型种类和组合方式就可以扩大三维重建的范围。 The 2D-3D reconstruction based on Constructive Solid Geometry is relatively more efficient, but it has a limited domain of objects because of its limited matching objects and limited method for composed objects. A new algorithm and correlative software in which matching objects and composed method can be expanded is proposed. The detail procedure is illustrated by which the algorithm and correlative software deal with the 2D-3D reconstruction of composed objects by means of union and subtract from extrude objects, revolve objects and pyramidal objects. Moreover the domain of 2D-3D reconstruction can extended by extending matching objects and composed method in the future.
出处 《上海第二工业大学学报》 2007年第2期103-109,共7页 Journal of Shanghai Polytechnic University
关键词 三维重建 二维-三维 可扩充模型 3D Reconstruction 2D-3D extending matching objects
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