
日偏食对低纬地磁场的影响 被引量:1

^The effect of partial solar eclipse on geomagnetic field in low latitude
摘要 1995年10月24日日偏食期间,我们在海南省琼中进行了地磁场总强度的观测和分析,同时运用该地磁台三分量磁照图,分析了地磁D场D、H、Z三分量在日偏食期间的变化特征。结果表明:日偏食期间,磁偏角初亏后逐渐偏东,食甚后偏西;水平强度和总强度初亏后逐渐变小,食甚后上升;垂直强度初亏后逐渐变大,食甚后约1个小时变小。 Geomagnetic total intensity was observed and analysed at Qiongzhong . Hainan Province . during partial solar eclipse Oct. 24 , 1995, Variation characteristics of geomagnetic three-com- ponent (D . H . Z)during partial solar eclipse were analysed by the three-component magneto- graph of this geomagnetic station. The results show that . during partial solar eclipse . geomag-- netic declination inclines to east after first contact and inclines to west after maximum eclipse , geomagnetic horizontal component and total intensity change small after first contact and rise after maximum eclipse , geomagnetic vertical component change big after first contact and change small in about an hour of after maximum eclipse.
出处 《地震地磁观测与研究》 1997年第2期60-63,共4页 Seismological and Geomagnetic Observation and Research
关键词 地磁场 地磁台 日偏食 geomagnetic field , geomagnetic station . partial solar eclipse
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