VBA是集成在Word中的开发语言,编程结果可直接产生Word文档。本文结合地震系统防震减灾“三大工作体系”建设,分析了国家有关法律法规和中国地震局及甘肃省地震局发布的规范性文件、执法文书、审批报表及宏观异常填报表等的格式要求和特征,进行了系统分析和系统设计,利用Visual BASIC语言嵌入VBA指令开发了防震减灾办公自动化系统。
VBA is a programming language software integrated into Microsoft WORD instruction in WORD2003, its compiling procedure could produce Microsoft WORD document directly. In this paper, combined with the works of "three working system construction" for protecting against and mitigating earthquake disasters through analyzing the style and characteristics of the relative laws, the regulations documents, enforcing law documents, and different kinds of tables issued by CEA or Earthquake Administration of Gansu Province, the system is analyzed and designed. Based on this the Office-automation System for conducting issue of protecting against and mitigating earthquake disasters is exploited by using Visual Basic inlaying into VBA instruction.
Northwestern Seismological Journal