To build up Zhuang's Drama as a culture brand of Wenshan state, we should absorb experiences and lessons of other culture brands in or out of our province. These experiences and lessons were obtained from the time to be set up. Being a culture brand of Wenshan Municipality, Zhuang's drama occupies quite a lot of vantage while it also has some lacks. The key problem is: at present it lacks of bright mark, which a culture brand should possess. A culture brand with bright mark should be representative, special and is able to fulfil a quality with fresh culture. A column of Zhuang's drama study was opened on the proceedings of Wenshan Teachers' College is a very good opening. But only one column in the proceedings is not enough to build up a culture brand. If we want to complete this task, a special working party is required. Strategy should be formulated, measures should be planned and competitive Zhuang's drama and talents are required.
Journal of Wenshan Teachers College
Zhuang's drama
culture brand