目的:探讨碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(bFGF)结合静脉套接修复周围神经缺损的效果。方法:18例4cm以内神经缺损,取自体静脉套接并对断面进行处理,静脉内注入碱性成纤维细胞生长因子0.5ml,术后检查Tinel征,神经肌电图,受损靶肌肉注射0.2ml bFGF。随访10个月至2年。结果随访10个月至2年,3例神经缺损1~1.9cm,神经功能评定;优。8例神经缺损2~2.9cm,神经功能评定;优7良1。5例神经缺损3.0~3.5cm,神经功能评定;优3良2。2例神经缺损3.6~4.0cm,神经功能评定;优1,良1。所有病例神经再生速度〉2mm/d。结论:bFGF结合静脉套接是修复神经缺损的有效方法,能明显促进神经再生。
Objective To explore the effect of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) combined with autogenous vein graft conduit on peripheral nerve regeneration. Methods 18 cases of peripheral nerve defect within 4 cm were selected. The main trunk of sciatic nerve of rabbit in one side was severed and bridged by autogenous vein. 0.5 ml bFGF solution was intravenously injected to the vein graft conduit. Target muscle was injected with 0. 2 ml bFGF one time per day. Postoperative function was evaluated with Tinel sign, electromyography and EMG. Results The cases followed up 10 ~24 moths. The result was according to system evaluation of peripheral nerve function. In 3 cases of 1~1. 9cm nerve defect, these cases recovered excellent. In 8 cases of 2 ~2.9cm nerve defect, 7case recovered excellent, 1 case good. In 5 cases of 3~ 3.5cm nerve defect, 3 cases recoveed excellent, 2 good. In 2 cases of nerve defect 3.5 ~ 4cm, 1 case recovered excellent, 1 good. The regeneration nerve conduction velocity is more than 2mm per day in all cased. Conclusions bFGF combined with antogenous vein graft conduit can markedly promote nerve regeneration.
Journal of Chinese Physician