
工程陶瓷材料的磨削加工性评价方法研究 被引量:2

Study on Method for Grindability Evaluation of Engineering Ceramics
摘要 提出了一种工程陶瓷材料磨削加工性综合评价的新方法。应用图论中的有向图理论,以材料磨削加工性属性为顶点,以各属性之间的相互关系为边,建立了陶瓷材料磨削加工性评价的有向图模型。根据有向图模型,建立磨削加工属性矩阵,并由矩阵的积和式函数计算出材料的磨削加工性指标,从而判断材料的磨削加工性。有向图模型可以综合考虑多种属性及属性间的相互关系,可对陶瓷材料的磨削加工性做出正确、完整的评价。论文选择陶瓷材料的硬度、断裂韧性和弹性模量3个力学性能参数作为磨削加工属性,根据所提出的评价方法,对4种典型工程陶瓷材料的磨削加工性进行评价,并根据磨削加工性指标进行排序,在材料机械加工之前确定其磨削加工性。通过磨削实验验证评价结果。评价结果将对陶瓷材料加工中工具和工艺参数的确定具有指导作用。 A new method was proposed for grindability comprehensive evaluation of engineering ceramic materials based on the digraph theory in the graph. Grindability attributes of the materials were taken as the nodes and the correlations between attributes were taken as the edges. The digraph model for grindability evaluation of ceramics was set up. According to the digraph matrix was constituted. Then grindability indexes of ceramic materials function and grindabilities of the ceramics were evaluated. Grindability model, the grindability attribute were calculated with permanent attributes and their correlations can be taken into account simultaneously by digraph model. So, the grindability of ceramics can be evaluated correctly and completely by this method. In this paper, mechanical property parameters of ceramic materials, including vickers hardness, fracture toughness and elastic modulus, were selected as grindability attributes. Grindability of four typical engineering ceramics were evaluated and ranked with grindability indexes. It can identify the grindability of ceramics before machining. The grinding experiments give further proof of evaluation results. The reference for determination of tools and machining paramete grindability evaluation will be an important rs during ceramic machining processes.
出处 《硅酸盐通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期593-597,共5页 Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society
基金 吉林省教育厅自然科学"十五"规划项目资助(2004-109)
关键词 工程陶瓷 磨削加工性 评价 有向图 engineering ceramics grindability evaluation digraph
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