

Brief Comment on Social Capital Theory Research Technique and Supposition
摘要 综观社会资本理论产生的渊源和近年来学者对社会资本理论的研究,社会资本理论整体的研究方法主要是集体主义和个体主义方法结合并各有侧重。理论假设主要是:行动者为理性的“经济人”假设;行动者能力平等假设;网络、结构包含资源假设。社会资本理论的假设有其自身的优越性,也决定了其理论的局限性。 Take a comprehensive view of a social output origin of the capital theories and recent scholar' s research the research method of the capital theories is mainly the combination of collectivism and individual doctrine method and each has particular emphasis on. Theories assumption is mainly:"Economic parson" who acts as reasonableness supposes;the activity' s ability is equal suppose;the network and structure include a resource assumption. The asstanption of social capital theories tins the superiority and limiation of itself.
作者 梁健
出处 《南华大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第3期20-23,共4页 Journal of University of South China(Social Science Edition)
关键词 社会资本 假设 简评 social capital suppose simple evaluation
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