
动态电源管理框架的扩展与实现 被引量:4

Extension and Realization of Dynamic Power Management Architecture
摘要 以往的动态电源管理(DPM)框架所采取的是积极的动态电源管理策略,没有考虑设备进行电源状态切换时所带来的更大的能耗开销,也就是说,DPM框架没有考虑到策略优化的问题.文中在原有DPM框架中加入了系统负载检测和策略优化两个模块,对原有框架进行了扩展,得到了一个更为完整的DPM框架,并给出了应用该框架实现策略优化算法的实例.算法的实现验证了所提出的扩充框架的可行性与灵活性. In the traditional dynamic power management (DPM) architecture, positive policies are generally adopted without considering the great power consumption due to power state transitions, and the policy optimization is not taken into account. This paper aims at the above-mentioned problem and extends the original DPM architecture by adding two modules, namely, the system workload detecting and policy optimizing modules. Several examples are then performed to implement the policy optimization algorithm on the new architecture, which reveals the feasibility and flexibility of the proposed extended architecture.
出处 《华南理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期60-64,共5页 Journal of South China University of Technology(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家"863"计划重大软件专项(2004AA1Z2400) 粤港关键领域重点突破项目(2005A10207005)
关键词 动态电源管理框架 负载检测 策略优化 dynamic power management architecture workload detecting: policy opimization
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