
西藏阿里札达县象泉河流域卡俄普与西林衮石窟地点的初步调查 被引量:10

The Tentative Investigation of Two Buddhism Grotto Sites at Kaepu and Xilingun,Zhada County, Ali Region, Xizang Autonomous Region
摘要 2001年和2004年,由四川大学和西藏自治区文物局组成的联合考古队,两次对西藏西部展开考古调查。在阿里地区象泉河流域首次发现了卡俄普和西林衮两处佛教石窟遗迹。石窟中壁画保存较好,时代上限为公元11世纪,下限可延续至16~17世纪。其中早期壁画主要受克什米尔佛教艺术风格影响,后期壁画较多接受了同时期卫藏地区的绘画风格。这些石窟壁画提供了阿里象泉河流域古格王国时代不同时期佛教石窟壁画的演变线索,对今天认识古格王国佛教艺术的自身发展及其与外来文化的交融互动,提供了新的重要实物资料。 In 2001 and 2004, a joint archaeology team, which was composed of Sichuan University and the Cul- tural Relics Bureau of Xizang Autonomous Region, twice carried out archaeological investigations on the west Tibet. Two Buddhism grotto sites at Kaepu and Xilingun were firstly discovered in the Xiangquan River Valley of Ali Region. The well-preserved mural paintings' date can be limited from the 11th centtury to the 16th-17th century. The early stage paintings were influenced by the Buddhism art style of Kashmir, and the later ones chiefly accepted the contemporaneous drawing style of Weizang Region. These grotto paintings cast a clue to the development of different-period grotto paintings of Xiangquan River Valley, and bring new material data to studies on the development of Guge kingdom's Buddhism art as well as the exchange be- tween the kingdom and other alien cultures.
出处 《文物》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第6期49-68,1,共20页 Cultural Relics
基金 国家文物局边疆考古专项基金 教育部人文社会科学重大研究项目基金资助。
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  • 8Christian Luczanits: Tabo a Lamp for the Kingdora Early Indo- Tibetan Buddhist Art in the Western Himalaya, Fig. 205,206. Skira Editore.Milan 1997.












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