
一种新的自组网极小连通支配集生成算法 被引量:1

A Novel Distributed Minimum Connected Dominating Set Algorithm in Ad Hoc Network
摘要 自组网通过节点的自组织,构造成一种不需要任何基础设施的新型无线网络,基于连通支配集算法的虚拟主干网技术对于自组网的路由优化、能量保护和资源分配具有重要的作用。针对现有的连通支配集法存在的不足,基于图着色思想提出一种新的极小连通支配集构造算法CB-MCDS(Coloring Based-Minimum Connected Dominating Set)。CB-MCDS算法仅需要一跳邻居节点的拓扑信息,就能快速地构造出虚拟主干网,理论分析表明整个算法的时间和消息复杂度分别为O(△)和O(n△),该性能明显优于已有的算法。 A wireless ad hoe network consists of many mobile and organized hosts communicating with each other without any infrastructure. Connected dominating set-based virtual backbone plays a key role in a wireless ad hoc network for routing optimization, energy conservation and resource allocation. To construct virtual backbone efficiently, a new distributed coloring - based method, called CB - MCDS for short, is introduced. Because the CB- MCDS algorithm uses only 1 - hop neighbors information, it is proven that this coloring - based method runs with O(△ ) time complexity and O( n△) message complexity, which are better than the previous works.
出处 《计算机技术与发展》 2007年第7期17-20,共4页 Computer Technology and Development
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60502047) 福建工程学院科研发展基金资助项目(GY-Z0661)
关键词 自组网 极小连通支配集 独立集 Ad Hoc network mlnlmum connected dominating set independent set
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