
中国早期失蜡铸造问题的考察与思考 被引量:9

The ponderation on the origin of lost wax casting in ancient china
摘要 就先秦时期青铜器中四类无法按分块陶范铸造工艺解释的纹饰或附件——器物通体饰难于整体脱范的纹饰,纹饰凹槽内宽外窄,形成倒勾纹饰,纹饰边缘上翘,形成翻边的纹饰以及无范线绞股绳索状附件进行了技术分析或模拟试验,认为中国失蜡铸造技术起源于焚失法;焚失法最早见于商代中晚期:焚失法铸造技术在无范线失蜡法技术出现之后逐渐消亡;至春秋中晚期,无范线失蜡铸造技术已相当成熟。所谓中国青铜时代“没有失蜡法铸造器例”之说实属无稽之谈。 Both the Bronze, Jin ( Wine vessel stand ) unearthed from Chu culture Comb , Xichuan County , and the bronze vessels unearthed from Yunnan , Zhejiang and other provinces in recent years , are regarded firstly as earliest lost wax bronzes in China . It is the later Spring and Autumn Period ( 770 - 475 B. C. ) and the technique is rather skillful. Although the deduction , inferred from this fact , that China's lost wax technique appeared at the early and middle Spring and Autumn Period , is accepted by many scholars , it is still an academic unsettled question about the beginning age of China's lost wax technique and the original technique of lost wax only because of failing to find out the original lost wax bronzes in early time. In recent years , the author has found that the carve additions on Chu bronze vessels , unearthed from the southern side of the Yangtse River's middle reaches , the middle and later Spring and Autumn Period ( 570 B. C. ) , 20 years earlier than of the Bronze Jin ( wine vessel stand ) unearthed from Xichan Chu tomb , are produced by rather skillful lost wax technique. This is the first example to prove the deduction just mentioned above. Moreover , the author has found that the formation of some design parts or additions on some bronzes unearthed from China's central plains and Yangtes River's middle and low reaches , can't been explained by clay mold casting techniques. According to the technical characteristics , there are four kinds of phenomena : model design on whole vessel surface which difficult to remove clay mold from model , the model design's groove of wide top and narrow bottle , the upward edge of model design and rope addition without mold join mark. In the paper , through the discussion of this four phenomena and the analgue of upward edge and rope addition , it puts forward viewpoint as follows : China's lost wax technique stems from burnt technique. The earliest burnt technique appears at the later Shang Period and this technique disappeared generally after the wax technique without mold join mark appears. The lost wax technique , without mold join mark , is rather skillful at the middle and later Spring and Autumn Period.
作者 谭德睿
机构地区 上海博物馆
出处 《南方文物》 2007年第2期36-40,共5页 Cultural Relics in Southern China
关键词 中国早期失蜡铸造 焚失法铸造 Ancient lost wax casting Burnt casting
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