
Bernard岩体侵彻深度计算公式及其讨论 被引量:2

Research and Discussion of Bernard's Formulas on Depth of Projectile Penetration in Rock
摘要 为避免防护工程设计确定战斗部对岩体的侵彻深度时使用错误的公式形式及参数量纲单位导致错误的计算结果,在分析3个Bernard岩体侵彻深度计算公式的基础上,明确了正确的公式形式及式中参数的量纲单位;根据对公式特点及公式计算侵彻深度与试验数据的对比分析,讨论了3个Bernard岩体侵彻深度计算公式的计算精度及适用范围,得到了Bernard公式C的适用性和计算精度优于Bernard公式A和Bernard公式B的结论. To avoid using Bernard's formulas of wrong forms and dimensional units while determining the penetration depth of projectile in rock in protective works design, the correct forms and units were defined based on analysis of Benard's formulas for calculating penetration depth into rock. By comparing calculation results with experimental data, the calculation precision and application scope of three Benard's formulas were discussed. The results show that Benard's formula C is more accurate and applicable than Benanard's formula A and B.
出处 《弹道学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期66-70,共5页 Journal of Ballistics
基金 国家杰出青年科学基金项目(50525825) 国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(506380307) 国防基础科研资助项目
关键词 岩体 侵彻 计算精度 rock penetration calculational precision
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